Medicare Supplemental Insurance Quotes

When you’re looking to purchase a Medigap plan and are wondering about the costs, keep in mind that Medicare Supplemental quotes can differ substantially depending on the extent of coverage you receive as well as the private insurance company that you purchase the policy from. While the costs can differ, there is a general average for each type of plan, which you should be aware of. The average costs for Medicare Supplemental insurance quotes are:

Average Medigap Cost:

Plan F Range: $150.00 to $325.00
Plan N Range: $105.00 to $210.00
Plan G Range: $115.00 to $290.00
Plan C Range: $145.00 to $345.00
Plan D Range: $145.00 to $300.00

If you can afford these Medicare Supplemental quotes, the benefits can be substantial and should ultimately save you a significant sum of money during the year.

What do Medicare Supplement Plans Cover?

While the type of Medicare Supplement insurance policy that you select will dictate the extent of coverage that you receive, the available Medigap basic benefits that you may be able to obtain include:

  • Coinsurance and hospital costs for Medicare Part A that extend for an additional 365 days once the initial Medicare coverage is used up
  • The coinsurance or copayment costs for Medicare Part B services
  • The first three pints of a blood transfusion
  • Coinsurance or copayment costs for Part A hospice care
  • Coinsurance for care received at a skilled nursing facility
  • Part A deductible
  • Do not cover Prescription drug plans
  • Part B deductible
  • Office visits coinsurance
  • Excess charge for Part B, which refers to any amount of money that’s charged higher than the coverage provided by Medicare
  • Foreign travel emergency
  • Out-of-pocket costs

As of this moment, there are ten separate Medicare Supplement insurance policies, each of which offers a different amount of coverage. In order to determine which plan is right for you, it’s important that you first identify what your health care needs are. With this in mind, you can make an informed decision that will keep you protected from needing to pay exorbitant costs related to your medical care. The ten Medigap plans that are available to you include:

  • Plan A
  • Plan B
  • Plan C
  • Plan D
  • Plan F
  • Plan G
  • Plan K
  • Plan L
  • Plan M
  • Plan N

When it comes to the Medicare Part A hospital costs and coinsurance for an extra 365 days, every Medicare Supplemental insurance policy is required to offer this coverage. The same is true for such benefits as Part B coinsurance, the first three pints of blood transfusion, and the coinsurance or copayment costs for hospice care. However, the Medigap plan K and Medigap Plan L only covers 50 and 75 percent of these costs respectively. Any remaining costs will need to come out of your own pocket. These same 50 percent and 75 percent limits also apply to the coinsurance for care received at a skilled nursing facility and the Part A deductible expenses. All Medigap plans aside from Part A and Part B provide coverage for coinsurance of skilled nursing facility care. As for the Medicare Part A deductible, the Medigap Plan A plan is the only plan that doesn’t cover these costs.

The only Medicare Supplemental insurance quotes that offer coverage for the Medicare Part B deductible include Medigap Plan C and Medigap Plan F. As for the Medicare Part B excess charge, the Medigap Part F and Part G plans are the only ones that cover this expense. If you plan to travel on a somewhat regular basis and want to obtain coverage for any medical emergencies that occur while you’re on vacation in a foreign country, 80 percent of costs related to foreign travel exchange is covered by such Medigap plans as Plan B, Plan C, Plan D, Plan F, Plan M, and Plan N. Since Medicare Supplement insurance Plans K and L cover only certain percentages of expenses, they will also pay 100 percent of covered services once you reach a certain amount of out-of-pocket expenses for the year.

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Feel free to give us a call and talk with a licensed insurance agent to learn more about Medicare Supplemental insurance quotes, plan options, open enrollment periods and calendar year deductibles.